KK君のprofile at Lowenstein Sandler法律事務所

小室圭氏(以下「KK」)が所属している、と伝わる、NYのLowenstein Sanlder LLPだが、日本からのアクセスは完全にシャットアウトしている。









肩書きは「Law Clerk」つまり「法律事務員」。本当は「Associate」になっていたかったはず。






Fordham University School of Law (J.D.2021); フォーダム大学ロースクール2021年法学士

Fordham's Archilbald R. Murray Public Service Award (=こういう名称の表彰を受けている、とのこと)

Fordham Univesity School of Law (LL.M 2019) フォーダム大学ロースクール2019年法学修士

Hitotsubashi University Graduate School (M.B.L.2018) 一橋大学大学院(2018年法学修士

ICU (B.L.A.2014) Dean's List 国際基督教大学(2014年学士)学部長なんとか(=意味不明なので誰か教えてください)



Kei counsels entreprenerus, emerging companies, and investors on venture capital finaicings, mergers and acquisions, entity formation, and general corporate matters.


He has experience working in Tokyo at both a law firm and a foreign exchange bank where, as a certified securities broker repserentative, he provided loan and foreign exchange services and prepared financial analyses for non-Japanese corporate clients.


Kei worked with many entrepreneurs and emerging companies through his legal internships at a NYC-based tech startups, and Fordham's Entrepreneurial Law Clinic, where he received special recognitions.  Kei has won first prize in the 2020 business law writing competition sponsored by the New York State Bar Association for law students for his article, titled "Compliance Problems in Website Accessibility and Implications for Entrepreneurs."  He placed second in the same section of the 2019 NYSBA writing competition for his article, titled "Potential Reforms of Crowdfunding Law for Social Enterprises."


Kei is fluent in Japanese.(=当たり前でしょ)



He has experience working in Tokyo at both a law firm and a foreign exchange bank where, as a certified securities broker repserentative, he provided loan and foreign exchange services and prepared financial analyses for non-Japanese corporate clients.



・・・・・・・ ? まだ新入社員でしょ? 盛るだけ盛った者勝ち?


